Hi there!
I am Vishwa
I do drawings and design
ART, in itself is one of the hardest and thought provoking creative that everyone has and lost growing up. and here I'll share my journey of becoming a person who makes art.
Through my drawings, I aim to capture and express a wide range of emotions, embracing the beauty of human vulnerability and the complexities of our inner worlds.
I hope I can create thoughtful artworks which has an inherent meaning for both me and others. I think my vision of what I want to do with my art will keep evolving as Iam learning more and more of life in itself. But as for now check out my drawings. Enjoy 🙂
Click HereIam trying to become an animator while pursuing my career in design.
So, as for now in terms of 3d Modelling, and Animation Iam just trying to learn and have fun creating. As for the time being Iam having a really good time with Modelling and Animation
Not to mention the amount of time Iam losing my mind over something that I can't be able to make / fix while modelling 3D Models and Sets. It's Worth it though as the process of creating and working on things keeps me alive 🙂
Click HereFinished studying college and wanted to make money like every adult but by doing something that I like. So, Got a job as a Graphics and UI Designer in a company. Working on various things from Designs, 3D modelling-rendering, and UI Design.
The one thing that kept me always happy and the one thing that my mom really liked me about is drawing. So, I started an account in few social medias and started posting. It's been a wonderfully painful journey of learning till now and Iam extremely happy that I got to draw for all this time. Still love drawing and making Videos, but don't want to make anything just for the sake of doing it. Wanting to start creating art and short films for the passion of doing so.
I remember that I Fought with my mom for not buying me a new set of sketch pens (she didn't because we are obviously poor and I already had one old set) and I remember me drawing a guy on a boat catching fish in a lake, mountains in the back with a big yellow circle for sun. I know! we all have been there. and I also remember me not winning the competition and came back home to get angry over the family members that I can't be able to win the competition. Funny as it was done by a 6-year-old. Funny but that's what I remember as me started drawing.
I don't think i remember any significat thing about that part of my life :) or atleast nothing that can give you guys some value for reading that.